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It stems from the Latin word Nigrum which means black.

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Q: Why is nigg the racist term for black people?
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When you say a person is black does that mean i am a racist?

Not necessarily. If you are saying that to insult someone, then that is being racist. But if you are deescribing someone, then that doesn't count as being racist. But a better term to avoid confusion would be "African".

When did the term colored people become known as black people?

The term 'black people' was used originally to describe the African American race. Colored people was used in the 14th century, however was first used instead of "black people", in a NY Times article in 1851.

Who are more racist whites or blacks?

Both have shown racism towards each other but whites have shown more racism obviously. They have shown racism towards blacks for hundreds of years starting with slavery. Even now there is still occurences of white on black racism. For instance look at how many black celebrities have been severely mistreated by law enforcement over the years. For example Michael Vick he got sentenced to 2 years in prison for dog fighting and I'm not say what he did was right but there are people who have done worse things and he didn't deserve the punishment he received. If that was a white football player such a peyton manning or something it wouldn't have been nearly as blown out of proportion as it was. That is just one example there are plenty!!! others. Now some whites have grown angy that we have a black man running the country and if he makes one mistake they criticize him for it when white presidents such a George Bush have been messing up this country for years. So ya it think there is more racism towards blacks than whites. I'm not racists against white people I'm just stating the facts. However, some blacks use racism as an excuse e.g. e black person gets punished and blame it on racism. These people are wrong and some might say that they are the ones who are racist. Let's look at the first incident of slavery in history. Black Egyptians enslaving white and black Jews (predominantly white). It turns out the Jews were first into slavery not the African-Americans. Though it is a matter of pride for Jews and African-Americans that they are former slaves. Yes the first slavers were black Egyptians. Most African-Americans only think about their term of slavery and think whites have always been the slavers. Yet the Bible's Old Testament and the predominantly white Jewish race were definitely the first ones in slavery. Yes there were some black slaves in the Egyptian slaves. But most were white.

How did slavery start for negroes?

first of all that word is extremely offensive for some people. the proper term is African Americans or even saying "black" is better than that.

Are there more whites or blacks in the world?

In terms of people, white or black is a subjective term. Who decides the difference of those people in the middle. - Frankly I think that is a very stupid question, because it is that kind of thinking that led to Apartheid. Many people who never thought they were black suddenly became a degree of black under this horrible policy.

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Is the statement 'Black lives matter' racist?

No it is not racist, but for some reason some people think it is.

Can you use the term black person or is it racist?

It technically wouldn't be racist

If black people were from America or around the world howould you say black people withoute being racist?

You can simply use the term "Black people" to refer to individuals of African descent without being racist. It is important to be respectful and use language that accurately identifies and respects people's racial identities.

Is Adam young's girlfriend black?

no and the term "black "is rather racist

Is TI mixed race?

YES !!! His lineage is MIXED-RACE. There is NO SUCH THING AS a "light skinned black" person. The term of light-skinned black is a RACIST term created to support the racist One-Drop Rule. A non-racist should NOT support the racist 'One-Drop Rule' by using racist terms like that of "light-skinned black". So-called "light-skinned black" people are simply the Mixed-Race people who are of a 'Multi-Generational Multiracially Mixed' (MGM-Mixed) full ancestral lineage. no

What is the racist term for french people?

Cocorico; but I sincerely hope that you are not asking so that you can be a racist.

Is porch monkey a racist term?

Yes it is. Porch Money is a racist term to describe African Americans that are on welfare. Not only is it racist, but it is also very offensive. Many ignorant racists (well, that's a bit redundant since all racists are ignorant) use that extremely offensive term when referring to all black people, not just those who are on welfare.

What is a white racist?

It depends on how one uses the term "white racist". To some, white racist is someone who is white and they are also racist. To others, however, a white racist is someone who is racist exclusively towards white people.

What do you call whites who hate blacks?

Individuals who hate or discriminate against black people can be described as racist or white supremacists.

When you say a person is black does that mean i am a racist?

Not necessarily. If you are saying that to insult someone, then that is being racist. But if you are deescribing someone, then that doesn't count as being racist. But a better term to avoid confusion would be "African".

Is a black hole racist?

No, a black hole is not racist. It is a region in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. The term "black hole" refers to its ability to absorb all forms of energy and matter within its event horizon.

Is calling someone a golliwog racist?

It can be - a golliwog is a soft doll with a black face and fuzzy hair, so it could easily be seen as derogatory toward black people. Golliwog is also a derogatory term meaning a grotesque person.