Sodbusters are farmers who moved onto the Great Plains in the late 1800s, and are named for ploughing and working on the hard ground of the plains in order to plant their harvests.
An Exoduster is an African American Pioneer. The name Exoduster comes from the root word "Exodus" which is a book in the bible which tells about Moses leading the Israelites out of slavery. Why did the Exodusters travel to the great plains? They traveled to the great plains because they were making a Journey to Freedom.
Exodusters (thats a new one) Fun word!! A.S.Apex :D
The Lakota tribes are the most largest plains in the 1800s
The Great Plains
On the great plains there once lived a group of Native Americans whose tribe was named hello dude
Central Plains
The Great Plains.
The great plains
The Great Plains
great earth
There are two. They are called the Coastal Plains and the Great Plains.
Cheyenne is a given name for a female and it is of Native American origin. It does not have any meaning in Greek because it is a Native American name. In Native American it means an Algonquian tribe of the Great Plains.
the great plains i guess.:) ( i think the answer is wrong