The past is important to us because there are so many memories. In the past you could of had memories of happiness or pain and they are experiences we don't want to forget.
It gives us an indepth into what life would have been like in the past. It helps us to understand how we have become who we are today.
Vetrins help us to understand the importance of staying in school past the third grade.
It can be an adverb when used alone to modify a verb, e.g. "He smiled as he walked past." However, this is usually because there is an omitted object (past me, past us).If used with an object, past is a preposition, e.g. "The mourners filed past the coffin." or "The inmate ran past the guards and escaped." or "it was two minutes past midnight."
The voting rights for the blacks is one of the most important reforms that are important in the US today. Constitutionalism is another reform in the US today.
Why the Pinckney's Treaty was important to the US is because it provided for mutual recognition of the border between US territory and spanish colonies.
it's layers of rock tell us about the past
The past is important to us because there are so many memories. In the past you could of had memories of happiness or pain and they are experiences we don't want to forget.
Songs can tell us all sorts of things about the past. They can tell us all kinds of important information about history and special events.
because its a paths that leads us to the present and future. because the past is what makes the present :D
Social Networking is important to us today. It helps us keep in touch with our close ones. It also helps to find friends from the past.
Because when you study the mistakes that people have made in the past, you can learn not to repeat them. and by studying history we can know what are we... what can we do... what is our power... n what are limitations .... sometimes history can give spirit, ideas, inspiration and confidence in our selves...
Well I think it's important because you can learn from your mistakes and try and not make the same ones.
it allows us to be aware of whatever happened in the past.
you can relate to your past and the style of music back then gave us to music we have today :)
The word 'was' is just a past tense verb of is. This verse is referring to the beginning which is in the past. It is telling us that God was there in the beginning.
The exact opposite is true, History IS important. IT is because it shows us the errors of the past so we don't repeat the same mistakes.
Artifacts are important to Historians (and Archaeologists) because they are actual evidence of past human activity. However fossils are NOT important to historians as they are too old, they ARE important to Geologists.