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The Union is another way of saying the United States

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Q: Why is the union important to US history?
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The most important facts of the two US Civil War battles of Bull Run were that they were Confederate victories. In each case, the Union believed that the battles would be Union victories.The First Battle of Bull Run and the Southern victory, was the Union's realization that the South presented a real military danger and that a new Union army needed to be formed to protect Washington DC. The Second Battle of Bull Run was important in that General Lee's victory led to his raid into Maryland. The result was the Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest day in US history then and for future US wars.

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While certainly an important event in US history, the US Civil War didn't "lead" or "start" the study of US History.

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Washington was admitted to the Union as the 42nd state in 1889.

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Because it was the first formal proposal to unite the colonies.

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Because they play an important role in World History