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Q: Why was 1876 an important year for America?
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What statements describes why 1876 was an important year in Texas history?

The current Texas state constitution was adopted in that year.

What is the significance of 1876?

!876 was an important year for many reasons. Specifically, it was the year that the Battle of Little Bighorn occurred and the year that the telephone was invented.

What birthday did America celebrate in 1876?

1876 was the Centennial, the 100th anniversary of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

When did Colorado territory join the union?

Colorado joined the Union (and became a state) on August 1, 1876

What was invented in the year of 1876?

Abraham Graham invented Telephone in 1876

When did colarado become a state?

Colorado became a state on August 1st, 1876. It was the 38th state to join The United States of America and is called the Centennial State because it joined the union 100 years after America declared independence from England.

What year did you celebrate your 100th birthday in America?

Type your answer here... The 100 birthday of the United States of America was on July 4, 1876; one hundred years after July 4, 1776. The date the Declaration of Independence was made official by the Constitutional Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

What president did America have in 1876?

Ulysses S Grant

How did Colorado got its nickname centennial?

Because Colorado officially became a state in 1876, the year of America's 100th birthday, more known as "centennial."

Why did the French people give America a gift in 1876?

It was America`s 100th birthday.

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