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Cesar Chavez is important because of how he helped not only farmers but our society. He taught us many things from civil rights to which crop foods to eat and which not to eat. He is truly one of the most important citizens of all time.

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16y ago
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16y ago

Because he helped people with his money savings. He made a Union with his savings. He gave some money to people that needed it. He made the Bosss pay more money to the employees working in the fields.

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15y ago

he helped his family out and did chores around the ranch

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10y ago

He was a famous civil right leader and he worked hard for other farm workers to have certain rights and for them to be able to work in the United States.

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12y ago

He was a civil rights leader and activist who fought for the rights of farm workers.

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11y ago

he was farmer worker and made a union for the farmer

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7y ago

Why was Cesar chavez important? for striking

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