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Was threatened by southerners when she defended victims of lynching

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Q: Why was Ida B Wells was forced to flee the south because she?
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Ida b wells was forced to flee the south because?

she was threatened by southerners when she defended victims of lynching

Ida B Wells was forced to flee the South because she?

Ida B Wells was threatened by Southerners when she defended victims of lynchings.

Why was Ida B Wells forced to flee the South after the US Civil War?

Idea B Wells was threatened by Southerners when she defended victims of lynchings.

Why did merchants force muhammad to flee?

These were not the merchants who forced him to flee. They were the Non-believers of Makka who forced him to migrate to Madina Munawara.

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bill bob Jones forced Mary to flee England i know it sounds silly but its true!

During the revolution in Italy Pope Pius IX was forced to flee the Vatican.?

True, he was forced to flee Rome for about 2 years but returned in 1850.

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Jurchens are founders of the Qin kingdom that succeeded the Liao in northern China; annexed most of the Yellow River basin and forced Song to flee to the south.

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Umayyad leaders in Mecca disliked Muhammad because his religion posed a threat to thier regime. He was forced to flee Mecca and go to Medina.

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Ayatollah Khomeini

Which religion was blamed for the great plague?

During the Great Plague of the 14th century, Jews were blamed by some Europeans for causing the disease through poisoning wells, leading to violence and persecution against Jewish communities. This baseless accusation resulted in many Jews being forced to flee their homes or face violence.

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South Africa

Why was the ad interim government forced to flee so many times?

becaause it was being pookish!