Veterans Day was started to honor the veterans that have served and are still alive.
Veteran's Day
what year was flag day started in
In 1968, the Uniform Holiday Bill Act was passed so that several national holidays would be observed on a Monday. The date of Veterans Day was moved to October 25, in 1971 which did not sit well with some of the veterans. In 1975, the date was moved back to November 11.
yes This federal/state holiday didn't actually become "Veterans Day" until about 1954. Before that, it was called "Armistice Day" here in the U.S. "officially" beginning in 1938. Years before that, in 1919, one of our presidents proclaimed Nov. 11th (of that year as I understand it) "Armistice Day". It reflected what the Europeans were doing across the ocean I suppose for memorials/anniversaries? Any how, what ever the "title" for this holiday, it originally was to "remember" those that died in WWI, and to thereafter promote peace. Something like that. Incidentally, the choice for "November 11th" as being THE holiday/remembrance day was not done willy-nilly. It had great significance; ie, the treaty "ending" WWI was finally signed by the Germans on Nov 11th, on the 11th hour (11 o'clock on 11-11-1918). While several countries around the world do celebrate this "Nov 11th" remembrance, not all of them call it Veterans Day, nor do all call it "Armistice Day". France still calls their's Armistice Day though. Back in 1954 when Veterans Day actually became what it is today for us (the USA), we can actually thank a lone crusader here in the USA for his thinking that ALL veterans should be included and honored on "Armistice Day", not JUST WWI vets. About a year after he started his campaign is when Arm Day became all inclusive. BTW, my birthday is Nov 11th. And, the day before I can celebrate another: Nov 10th- the Marines' Birthday (yes, I served).
From Wikipedia: In 1953, an Emporia, Kansas, shoe store owner named Al King had the idea to expand Armistice Day to celebrate all veterans, not just those who served in World War I. King had been actively involved with the American War Dads during World War II. He began a campaign to turn Armistice Day into "All" Veterans Day. The Emporia Chamber of Commerce took up the cause after determining that 90% of Emporia merchants as well as the Board of Education supported closing their doors on November 11, 1953, to honor veterans. With the help of then-U.S. Rep. Ed Rees, also from Emporia, a bill for the holiday was pushed through Congress. President Dwight Eisenhower signed it into law on May 26, 1954.[
President Eisenhower started the veterans day he signed the paper
The person who started veterans day Kim William.the person who started veterans day was farty mic fart fart.
after world war 1 the president decsided to change armistice day to veterans day the end
Noveber (11)
November 11, 1919
It started in Emporia Kansas
Yes. It was started by President Wilson in 1919.
Veterans Day
They started veterans day to remember all the soldiers who faught for us and some who died, It is a day to remember and give thanks to every soldiers.
Veterans were started by Wars.
November 11 1918 was the date WW1 ended, a cause for celebration in the USA. After WW2 started (1939 for Europe, 1941 in the USA), November 11 became Veterans Day. Memorial Day remember the dead veterans, November 11 remembers the living veterans.
Back in 1919 a Mr. Woodrow declared November 11th the day for armistic day honoring those who served