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"Taxation without Representation" was one of the base complaints that the American Colonists had with their British rulers.

Most Americans were British citizens, and the Colonies in general saw themselves as extensions of the British homeland, not merely "part" of the Empire. As such, they viewed themselves as having all the rights and responsibilities that normal British subjects had. Thus, the idea that the British Parliament could pass laws and taxation without having any American MPs sitting in Parliament was offensive, in the same way that any British person living in (say) Liverpool would have expected an MP to represent them.

The catch phrase "No Taxation without Representation" neatly summed up this idea that Americans saw themselves as part of a government as a whole, and expected that government would at least allow them a democratic say in it. That the British government would not allow the Colonists such representation helped fuel the idea that it was not a legitimate government for the Colonies; thus, if the British government wasn't a legitimate government, the Colonists must provide their own one. Q.E.D. - a revolution was justified.

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14y ago
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14y ago

This was such an important phrase because it showed that the colonists would not stand to be treated so unfairly. That they would need to have representation in Parliament if they were to be taxed, this showed that the colonists wanted independence.

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12y ago

People had gotten away from the m for that very reason they did not want to be ruled by the king and queen so they dumped lots of tea in the Boston harbor and this was called the Boston Tea Party and they just refused to pay the taxes so they started fighting over independence over England

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9y ago

Because people still want to have a say in their own government.

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Who coined the phrase no taxation without representation?

James Otis Jr. (1725-1783) During a Boston town meeting in 1765 protesting the Sugar Act (1764), Otis stated that "taxation without representation is tyranny."

What was the rallying cry of the colonist with respect to taxes without consent?

It says that all thirten colonies were united under the common idea that they have absolved all allegiance to the British crown and were independent and free to do as any other free and independent soveriegn nation has the ability to do. Answer by Msena 21 No taxation without representation means that since the colonists were not represented in British Parlaiment, and therefor had no power at all they should not have to pay tax to Britain. In other words, they felt they owed Britain nothing for they had no privaleges. I do not know what the exact phrase is in the declaration though. Answer by anonymous yet reliable resource (p.s. Msena 21 is very wrong, she is talking about the declaration of independence, not the meaning of no taxation without representation or what the actual phrase is)

What does taxation without repersentation mean?

Colonists lacked representation in Parliament (British government) so they thought that when Parliament was taxing them it was unjust because they didn't even have representation in government. This is how "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION" came along.

Is the phrase of the American revolution an adjective phrase or adverb phrase?

The phrase "of the American Revolution" will virtually always be an adjective phrase, following nouns such as "the start" or "the decisive point" or "an important battle." The preposition "of" does not typically form adverbial phrases.

Why did the colonists go to war with England?

They fought because they were tired of being alienated as English citizens and they did not like being under the rule of a king who was at so much fault. They even went to cite the grievances of the king in the Declaration of Independence. Taxation without representation was a reason, but it was not as big many of the others that are often forgotten.

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Which was the common slogan used by colonists to express anger towards the British taxes?

"No Taxation Without Representation!" was the phrase.

What phrase became important to the colonists during the taxation passed by the British government?

"No taxation without representation"

What was the Act that led to the phrase no taxation without representation?

The stamp act led to the phrase no taxation without representation.

What does the phrase taxation without representation' mean?

"no taxation without representation" means that they dont want taxes without somebody to speak for them (the colonists)

What was the phrase the colonists used to support their argument?

"No taxation without representation"

Boston radical who won introduced the phrase no taxation with representation?

James Otis, but the quote is "Taxation without representation is tyranny."

What was the phrase the colonists used to support their arguments?

"No taxation without representation"

What was the phrase the colonist used to support their argument?

"No taxation without representation"

What does the phrase '' no taxation without representation mean''?

"no taxation without representation" means that they dont want taxes without somebody to speak for them (the colonists)

Who was the Boston radical who introduced the phrase no taxation without representation?

James Otis

Who was the Boston radical that introduced the phrase no taxation without representation?

James Otis

Which phrase American colonists reaction to the stamp act?

no taxation without representation....