The U.S. Settlers were mean to the Native Americans and forced them to move to reservation land where there was no buffalo to hunt and the hunters would have to move out of the reservations to hunt for the buffalo for food, clothing and tools. Long ago before the U.S. Settlers came to America, the Native Americans would follow the buffalo where ever they go to hunt for the things they will need to survive because the buffalo was their sacred animal
the first nations lost their culture,languages,identities,and land. they also became ruled and became servants
all oldest settlements in America All on the east coast discovered by the English stolen from the native americans
very much
Native Americans were the first to live in N. America and they migrated from Siberia. ANSWER: Native Americans were the first people to live in the America's both north and south.
North America and the North-East known as (U.S. & canada) those regions once supported Native Americans and millions of buffalo.
The Native Americans held the largest amount of land meant power. This was near the East coast.
Native AMericans had to leave their home land and move onto reservations and compleatly change their way of life.
Native Americans are not Greek, but came from East Asia.
The Treaty of Augusta was the treaty that the Native Americans and European colonist that gave the Navites land west of the fall line and Europeans the east coast.
the native americans
the first nations lost their culture,languages,identities,and land. they also became ruled and became servants
all oldest settlements in America All on the east coast discovered by the English stolen from the native americans
Ponce de Leon encountered Native Americans on the East Coast of what is now Florida, and died of his wounds in 1521. Hope i helped you ;))
ugly ones
No. The Native Americans on the East Coast did not live in teepees, but longhouses. They didnt wear head dresses or ride horses either.
very much
No. Native Americans originated in America, and Arabs in the Middle East.