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Primary sources are created by people who actually experienced the event

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Keely Schneider

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2y ago
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14y ago

Documents bring us true facts that we can learn. History in part is a dificult to hard to study because of the amount of document existing, but it takes us to understand it.

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Primary sources are the least likely to have been corrupted by the authors' interpretations of what happened and why.

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Q: Why would a historian use a primary source when studying about historical events?
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What would a historian be most interested in studying?

A historian would be most interested in studying the past events, societies, cultures, and people to gain a better understanding of how they have shaped the world we live in today. They focus on analyzing and interpreting historical evidence to piece together a cohesive narrative of the past.

What is a liberal historian?

A liberal historian believes historical events are led by individuals and political leaders, as opposed to a revisionist historian who believes events are led by mass movement of people or ideas.

What two main types of sources does a historian use?

A historian uses primary sources, which are firsthand accounts or original documents from the time under study, to gain a direct understanding of historical events. They also use secondary sources, such as books or articles written by other scholars, which interpret and analyze primary sources to provide context and a broader understanding of the historical period.

What step must a historian take to evaluate historical evidence?

The steps historians take include studying the lives of ppl in different times and places is the work of the historians. The most basic tool for this work is historical evidence. Historians collect the evidence, then use it to interpret events. Historians look first at a primary source, first hand information about ppl or events or a secondary source that is stated after the fact.

Can a historian's upbringing influence their interpretation of historical events?

A historian's upbringing can influence their interpretation of historical events; for example, a Jewish historian may have a more negative view of World War Two than another, due to the events (Jewish persecution) that took place during that time in history.

A historian's upbringing can influence their interpretation of historical events true or faulse?


What is a person who studies historical documents?

A person who studies historical documents is known as a historian. Historians analyze primary sources such as letters, diaries, and official records to understand and interpret the past. Their work involves researching, synthesizing information, and drawing conclusions about historical events and periods.

What might the historian using thinking skill of primary sourc analysis?

The historian using the thinking skill of primary source analysis is focused on critically evaluating original documents or artifacts to interpret historical events or trends. They assess the credibility, bias, and context of the sources to draw accurate conclusions about the past. This skill is essential for constructing well-supported arguments and understanding the complexities of historical narratives.

How historian using the thinking skill of primary source analysis might?

Historians analyze primary sources by evaluating their credibility, context, and purpose to draw conclusions about the past. They examine the source's biases, author's perspective, and possible motivations to understand the historical events more accurately. By critically assessing primary sources, historians can reconstruct the past more effectively and provide a more nuanced interpretation of historical events.

Is a compass a primary source?

No, a compass is not a primary source. A primary source is an original document or object that was created at the time being studied. A compass is a tool used for navigation and does not provide firsthand information about historical events or experiences.

Why are primary sources important when studying historical events?

Primary sources provide firsthand accounts of historical events, offering valuable insight into the perspectives and experiences of people living during that time. They are considered more reliable and credible than secondary sources, such as textbooks or articles, because they are created by witnesses or participants of the events being studied. Analyzing primary sources allows historians to draw their own conclusions and interpretations based on authentic evidence.

What is historical analysis?

Historical analysis is the process of critically examining past events to understand their causes and effects. It involves studying primary and secondary sources to develop a nuanced interpretation of historical events and trends, considering various perspectives and context in order to draw meaningful conclusions. Historical analysis helps historians and researchers gain insight into the complexities of the past and its significance for the present.