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Q: A is a ruling family that passes the right to rule from one generation to the next?
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The Napoleonic Code gave who the right to control all family property?


Why are people against segregation?

People think is is right because if everyone was being treated equally, why would it matter if they were seperated.Too see why segergation is wrong, review the following:In the Supreme Court ruling Brown vs Board of Education,the Supreme Court overuled the original ruling in Homer vs. Plessey, that previously stated that as long as the students were being treated equally, it did not matter whether they were seperated. The reason the Supreme Court overturned their ruling is because in a perfect world were everything was equal (In this case it was rarely ever equal) the African-American students would always ask the question, "If everything is equal, than why are we seperate?" They would eventually draw the conclusion that even though it is equal, it still shows race superiority over the African-Americans.

What important English right had been denied to the colonists?

The right to have a representative in Parliament.

Are most women in the world Lesbians?

No, most women in the world are heterosexuals. It may seem like there are a ton of homosexual women because right now they are the loudest in there attemps to secure rights they want and the acceptance they want. The majority of heterosexual women are more concerned with jobs, careers, family and other issues not with homosexual issues.

What is the relationship between citizenship and the right to vote?

In most countries only the citizens have the right to vote, foreigners are excluded.

Related questions

A is a ruling family that passes the right to rule from one generation to the next.?


What is a ruling family tha passes the right to rule from one generation to the next?

A monarchy is a ruling system where the right to rule is typically passed down within a ruling family from one generation to the next.

Which term describes rulers from the family who pass the right to rule from one generation to the next?

The term that describes rulers from the same family who pass the right to rule from one generation to the next is Dynasty

Is bush an?

Right down in the second generation (from the German side of the family)

Which term describes rulers from the same family who passed the right to rule from one generation to the next?

The term that describes rulers from the same family who pass the right to rule from one generation to the next is Dynasty

Which term describes rulers from the same family who pass the right torule from one generation to the next?

A Dynasty.

Rulers from the same family who pass the right to rule from one generation to the next are called a?


What were Benjamin Barnaman's jobs?

The Franklin family ran a newspaper printing business. Their business was handed generation to generation, starting with Franklin's father.I hope my answer is right x

How did kings and queens gain the right to rule in a monarchy?

It was a family tradition passed down from generation to generation. However, in early days the monach was defind by battles the winner taking the title

Which term best describes rulers from the same family who pass the right to rule from one generation to the next?

It is called 'Dynasty'

Which term describes rulers from the same family who pass the right to rue from one generation to the next?

The term that describes rulers from the same family that rule from one generatin to the next is dynasty

A line of rulers who belong to the same family and pass control from one generation to another is called .?

A dynastyA+