No, African culture is not particularly affectionate to other cultures.
global, world-wide, or in some contexts, cosmopolitan
What is going on in your life would be another way to ask. They are interested in you and what is going on around you.
Yes, there are many different ways to spell it. Another way is Bartholomew Dias.
Zealous is having or showing zeal, and zeal is enthusiastic or eager.
make love
It's just a way of showing their affection to you!
NO! A hickey mark is a way of showing that a boy has sucked on a girl, or vice versa.
its a way of showing affection, or passing the feelings through to that person, showing them the love you truly have.
When a girl tries to kiss your bellybutton, it is a way of showing affection.
You or your s/o is showing affection to someone else.
Sure is! A great feeling which expresses ones feelings to another. =) for example: The boy who liked the girl expressed his feelings by showing the girl affection as he hugged her and rubbed her back =)
hold close in one's arms as a way of showing love or affection. "he cuddles the baby close"
The best way to show affection is to listen closely to the other person to establish what they like. Just by listening your showing affection by showing an interest in what they like and dislike. This is just a starting point.Use that information to truly show affection. Maybe they like being kissed softly behind the ear, holding hands, baking cookies or flowers or who knows what.
showing affection senging flowers/ cards phone calls
Yes, if your baby is kissing you, it is likely a sign of affection.