Blackfoot people have an unusually high percentage of type A blood.
If you look at the wrist of an untanned caucasian person, the veins there look almost blue. Royalty were usually shaded when out in the sun, by servants and the like. Thus, royalty were believed to genuinely have blue blood.
Blood diamonds are diamonds found in the earth -- where all diamonds are found -- but are mined under threat of death and dismemberment. Blood diamonds are traded by terrorists and rebel groups to fund mayhem against humans.
King James II sent his army to meet and fight his son-in-law Prince William of Orange and his army on their march to London in November 1688. However, many of JamesÕs soldiers deserted and his other daughter Anne defected to her sister and brother-in-lawÕs side. By January 1688, James goes to France and William and Mary on the English throne without almost no blood shed.
It was O-
Everywhere! Ever see someone that is Mexican, or Puerto Rican, or even some one that just has dark hair and brown skin, well they re probably of native blood .The recessive gene that native peoples of the Americas have is the most dominant and unchanging gene on the planet so the dark hair and brown skin complexion is always apparent when it come to how a person looks. Come on look at a Mayan, a Pima, a Navajo, a Colombian, a Salvadorian, and a Mexican. The gene is totally apparent in all of them unless thy re a "gringo" of European descent living within the Americas . Native peoples live everywhere in North America, Central America, and South America .The pyramids in Mexico was the Central trading spot of "The Peoples" Natives Empire and society in ancient times. Oh and the person who updated this answer "ME" am myself an Amerindian "American Indian" of the Akimel O'otham tribe and Nican Tlaca people. So to answer this question I'm right here !
no. juice can not suck people blood
Yes, he does.
Peoples and animal blood's
peoples food/ blood
They suck blood but other peoples blood gets into your blood stream
Carrie Underwood is not native at all. She has no blood of native.
meat and blood
Nothing - peoples skin is water (and blood) proof.
people and animals blood
Most Powerful to Least Powerful Peninsulares: Spaniards by blood who were born in Spain Creoles/Criollos: Spaniards by blood who were born in Latin America Mestizos: Latin Americas who had Spanish blood and Native American blood Indígenas: Native Americans by blood Slaves: Africans who were enslaved in Latin America
to suck peoples blood and kill you