Yes Jatt and Jaat are same in Hindi language we used to say jaat and in Punjabi we used to say jatt neither they have no difference as Shahid Bhagat Singh, dara singh ji,deol family and many more belongs to sikh(jatt) but they also say themselves jaat.
Oh, it sounds like you're wondering about relationships and families. Remember, love knows no boundaries or labels. If two people care for each other and have a deep connection, that's what truly matters. Embrace love and understanding, and everything else will fall into place.
Honey Singh, whose real name is Hirdesh Singh, is a Punjabi rapper, singer, and music producer known for his work in the Indian music industry. The term "Jatt" refers to a community or caste primarily associated with the Punjab region of India. While Honey Singh has not publicly disclosed his caste or community affiliation, it is important to note that an individual's talent, work, and contributions should be the focus rather than their caste or background.
No Ahluwalias are not Jatt. They are Kalals. Here is a description of this caste from Sikhcastes.com: The real identity of Ahluwalia caste is that of 'Kalal'. Kalal is a caste of professional distillers and wine-sellers. In the Hindu ritual framework, Kalal was regarded as a low caste owing to their engagement in manufacturing of a product proscribed in religion. During 18th century , one of the member of Kalal caste by the name of Jassa Kalal converted to Sikhism and rose to prominence . His descendants started calling themselves 'Ahluwalia' because Jassa Kalal was from the village 'Ahlo'. In later period, not just descendants of Jassa Kalal , but all Hindu as well as Sikh Kalals of Punjab started writing their caste name as 'Ahluwalia' instead of 'Kalal'. This is generally done to hide the humble origin of the caste. Since Jassa Kalal's descendants managed to hold on to a fledgling Sikh princely state of Kapurthala, they sought to improve their social status by trying to form matrimonial alliances with the ruling Rajput houses. The latter however knew well of the humble Kalal origin of the custodians of Kapurthala state and rejected their proposals with condescension (see Maharaja: The lives, loves and intrigues of the Maharajas of India, Diwan Jarmani Dass). Also, I want to add Kalals or Ahluwalias are not regarded as Jatt anywhere. Jatts do not regard them as their equals.
The surname "Pawar" is commonly associated with the Maratha community in India, particularly in the state of Maharashtra. It is not traditionally a Sikh Jatt last name. Sikhism is a distinct religion with its own set of surnames, and Jatt is a Punjabi ethnic group. While surnames can sometimes be adopted or shared across communities, in this case, Pawar is not typically considered a Sikh Jatt last name.
Yes they are Sikh punjabi khatri
Punjabi Arora/Khatri
It is a punjabi khatri caste.
Behl's are Khatri/ Punjabi.
Karan Wahi is a Punjabi Sikh Khatri.
Punjabi Khatri
No they are Jains
punjabi khatri
The term "Khatri" refers to a mercantile caste in the Indian subcontinent, particularly in the Punjab region. Babuta is a common surname among Punjabi Khatri families. Therefore, it is likely that Babuta is a Punjabi Khatri based on the surname's association with the caste. However, without specific genealogical or historical information, it cannot be definitively confirmed.