"We must bear in mind that the enemy is crafty, unscrupulous, experienced in deception and the dissemination of false rumors."
Naturally, our peace-loving country, not wishing to take initiative of breaking the pact, could not resort to perfidy - APEX
There were various factors prompted Stalin's actions. For example, the events of the Second World War were very influential on him.
Joseph Stalin, who lead the USSR and was the cause of many countries to be dictated.
Hitler, Stalin, Alfred Tezlaff
The right answer is Joseph Stalin.
I think Lenin was succeeded by Stalin.
Naturally, our peace-loving country, not wishing to take initiative of breaking the pact, could not resort to perfidy.
Stalin had a greater impact in the history of the USSR than anyone.
Russia under the rule of Joseph Stalin was the most powerful in its history.
If you study the history of Stalin, he was indeed responsible for the execution of millions.
An article that proposes to ban all unnecessary breathing in order to draw attention to the problem of air pollution
Stalin had a great many tactics and methods for achieving his goals. Stalin would use control and manipulation for example.
he industrialized russia althrough he smelled of elderberries.
He banned Judaism completely.
Joseph Stalin
There are various reasons that Stalin pretended that he was close to Lenin. For example, he thought that it would gain him support.
Stalin need to defend the nonaggression pact shows his wariness of critics.
Joseph Stalin was a paranoid, egomaniacal mass murderer. He may be the second biggest mass murderer in history. Nothing he did was good.