Canterbury had been the capital of England in the middle ages and still hosts the head of the Anglican Church.
Winchester was the capital of England between the 10th and 11th centuries. London is the de facto capital of England and UK since the 12th century.
London is the capital of England, a country.
The capital city of the United Kingdom is London
No. Canterbury had been the capital of England in the middle ages and still hosts the head of the Anglican Church. Winchester was the capital of England between the 10th and 11th centuries. London is the de facto capital of England and UK since the 12th century.
the one with the most states as states are allways capitilized, as they are nouns :)
For a short period (AD43 till some time after AD61) Colchester - then called Camulodunum - was the capital of the Roman province of Britannia. It was destroyed in Boudicea's rebellion in AD61.
Countries have capitals cities. They do not have capital countries.
Your question is unclear. I will assume you mean capital of Italy and capital of England Capital cities are the cites which were the seat of the government. Therefore, the capital of Italy and the capital England (Rome and London) perform the same function in this respect. They are the cities where the national government is
England only has one capital and its London
Germany ,England Tokyo
London is a city. Cities don't have capitals. Cities can just be capitals. London is the capital of England and of the United Kingdom.
The United Kingdom's capital cities are as follows:London (England and the UK)Edinburgh (Scotland)Belfast (Northern Ireland)Cardiff (Wales)
London and Birmingham are both cities in England. London is the capital and Birmingham never has been.
Edinburgh in Scotland is on the river fourth and London in England is on the river thems
London is the capital city of the UK and also of England. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, Cardiff is the capital of Wales and Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.
The United Kingdom consists of 4 main Countries: The capital cities are: England - London Wales - Cardiff Scotland - Edinburgh Northern Ireland - Belfast
Liverpool is a city-- either in upstate New York (USA) or in Northwest England (UK). Cities do not have capitals, and neither Liverpool is the capital of anything. The capital city of England, and also of the UK, is London.
London, England is the capital city of the United Kingdom but there are other cities called London in other parts of the world.