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Melvin Sipes

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Q: Derivative classification includes all of the following except?
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Derivitaive classifiers are required to have all of the following except?

All of the following are responsibilities of derivative classifiers EXCEPT: Derivative classifiers must have access to classification guidance. Derivative classifiers must understand derivative classification policies and procedures. Derivative classifiers must have original classification authority. Derivative classifiers must possess the requisite subject matter expertise, as well as classified management and marking techniques.

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All of the following are responsibilities of derivative classifiers except?

Derivative classifiers must have original classification authority

All of the following are responsibilities of derivative classifiers?

All of the following are responsibilities of derivative classifiers EXCEPT: Derivative classifiers must have access to classification guidance. Derivative classifiers must understand derivative classification policies and procedures. Derivative classifiers must have original classification authority. Derivative classifiers must possess the requisite subject matter expertise, as well as classified management and marking techniques.

All of the following are steps in derivative classification EXCEPT:?

Determining whether information has been classified previously. X

The derivative classification concept of "Contained in" applies to all of the following EXCEPT:?

When the information must be deduced as classified by some level of analysis

All of the following are steps in derivative classification?

All of the following are steps in derivative classification EXCEPT: Seek additional guidance to resolve uncertainty Analyze material to be classified Use authorized sources for guidance Make recommendations for others to mark the new document

All of the following are key concepts you can use to determine the classification level of the material you create EXCEPT:?

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