No she never married! She did not want to share her empire. She has the nickname the virgin queen because she never married
Queen Mary was married to Phillip II of Spain. He did not spend a lot of time with her. They did not have any children. Mary declared herself queen after her brother's death. She wanted to make her father's and mother's marriage legal again. She had a parliament do it for her. Mary killed 248 people by burning them because she changed the religion, and some of the people did not want to change to that religion, so they were brave enough to speak out in front of the public church.
As of 2009, there has not yet been a Queen Elizabeth III. The present queen is Queen Elizabeth II.
She was never married. She mistrusted marriage and men. She was known as the virgin queen and said she was married to England.
Yes, Bess Raleigh was a lady in waiting to Queen Elizabeth I who married Sir Walter Raleigh.
Elizabeth Tudor Queen Elizabeth the First was from the house of Tudor so her name would have been Elizabeth Tudor. The current Queen Elizabeth the Second is from the house of Windsor, so her name is Elizabeth Windsor.
Yes, she did Queen Elizabeth did she said it was the finest play she went to. Queen Elizabeth was in the court where Shakespeare's plays were performed, she attended a lot of his plays.
elizabeth the 1
There was only one previous Queen Elizabeth, so Britain's current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II. (Although her mother was also named Elizabeth, she wasn't the queen. She was married to the king, but that doesn't automatically grant the title of queen as it does in fairy tales.)
There has never been a Queen Elizabeth III, apart from the fictional Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore.
In British Monarchy, there has not yet been a Queen Elizabeth III.
No, but the Queen Mother was also named Elizabeth.
Queen Elizabeth I of England never married. She died in 1603.
That is true. Prince Phillip is married to Queen Elizabeth.
Queen Elizabeth I of England never married. She died in 1603.
No, Queen Elizabeth I was not married to King John. In fact, Queen Elizabeth never married nor did she have any children. Thus she was referred to as the Virgin Queen.
There is NO British Elizabeth III. The present reigning monarch is Elizabeth II.
Queen Elizabeth never married and therefore does not have any children.
In British Monarchy, there has not yet been a Queen Elizabeth III.
No. Queen Elizabeth I of England never married. William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway.