No, Because if they were boys would of distracted the girls or maybe opposite.
Was often the poor relative of the rich family that employed her, this was not uncommon and gave the woman a roof over her head..also it was often the eldest daughter who had no marriage prospects.
Rich Victorian boys went to school and the girls learnt how to be a good wife and lady so that they could carry on the teachings and be good at it in later life
they played a game called Wall Ball. Everyone had to try and get a ball, by bundling on top of each other. poor children had not got the money to buy games, so made do with games like skipping etc. but rich children played with dolls and so on. they spent a LOT of time being educated.
Well, darling, in Elizabethan society, girls were brought up to be obedient, modest, and skilled in domestic tasks like sewing and cooking. Their main goal was to marry well and bear children to carry on the family name. Basically, they were expected to be prim and proper little ladies, whether they liked it or not.
Victorian children were taught basic literacy and numeracy at home, often by a governess or tutor. They also learned etiquette, religious studies, and moral values. Girls were typically educated in domestic skills like sewing and cooking.
No, Victorian boys and girls did not learn the same subjects. Boys were typically taught subjects like Latin, mathematics, and science, while girls were often taught skills like needlework, music, and basic arithmetic. Education was not seen as important for girls in the same way it was for boys during the Victorian era.
flower girls
they did the 3 r's: reading,writing,arithmetic. they did singing. girls also did sewing.
they got teached the 3 Rs- reading,writing and arithmetic
Boys would have worked on farms and in chimneys but girls worked in sewing factories.
The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls was created in 2009.
Yes, the boys and the girls were separated in classes.
Weathy girls were taught the same as the other girls. They were taught to knit, sew,...
rich Victorian girls didn't go to the workhouse so that's the end of that question
The Blackfoot children were taught not to cry as soon he or she was born because a crying baby could attract enemies. The children were taught to watch and learn from the adults about their duties and responsibilities at an early age. The boys were taught to be hunters and warriors and the girls were taught to be homemakers. The children learned stories about their traditions, the creatures, and the earth so they could pass the stories on to their children. In the children's play time they mocked the adults. Therefore the girls set up little tipis and the boys played with miniature bow and arrows and they learned to hunt birds, rabbits and prairie dogs.
there education wasnt reall good because they had not alot of equimptment to use. And also they did not have alot of paper and books like we do in our times so the education was hard for them in Elizabethan times.But not not hard for us in our times THANK YOU for letting me give you the answers for your question i really apretiate i and i am sure that my friends and famo would to so thank and good night