No Pit the younger did not have any children- he came close to marrying Lady Eleanor Eden in 1797 but decided against it- he remained a bachelor and consequently had no children.
Yes. William Wilberforce had 6 children. 2 girls called Barbara and Elizabeth and 4 boys called, William, Robert, Samuel and Henry.
no he didn't have any children he was a Cardinal
It would appear that Thomas Carlyle did not have any children.
Yes, Brad Pitt has 6 kids.
no children yet.
he had a younger brother named william
Is William Hart of the Delfonics married and have any children
No, she does not have children.
William Floyd was not reported as having any children himself. However, he was one of eight children in his family.
He had 4 children
William Bligh had six surviving children, all daughters.
William Floyd was not reported as having any children himself. However, he was one of eight children in his family.
William Blake did not have any children. Blake was married, however. He married Catherine Sophia Boucher in 1762.