

Best Answer

Bertram Potter was the son of Rupert Potter and Helen Leech Potter. His older sister Beatrice Potter was the author and illustrator of The Tales of Peter Rabbit. Bertram died in 1918, he never married or had children.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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He was married
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Stephany Slater

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βˆ™ 10mo ago
This answer isn’t πŸ’― accurate. Bertie kept a secret marriage of 10 years fromfrom his family after his sister became engaged the 2nd time to William Heelis.
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Stephany Slater

Lvl 1
βˆ™ 10mo ago
This answer isn’t πŸ’― accurate. Bertie kept a secret marriage of 10 years fromfrom his family after his sister became engaged the 2nd time to William Heelis.
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Stephany Slater

Lvl 1
βˆ™ 10mo ago
This answer isn’t πŸ’― accurate. Bertie kept a secret marriage of 10 years fromfrom his family after his sister became engaged the 2nd time to William Heelis.
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Stephany Slater

Lvl 1
βˆ™ 10mo ago
This answer isn’t πŸ’― accurate. Bertie kept a secret marriage of 10 years fromfrom his family after his sister became engaged the 2nd time to William Heelis.

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What happened to bertram potter?

Are you refering to Bertram Potter, the brother of author Beatrix Potter? If so I'm pretty sure his first name was Walter not William. I know that Bertram was born in 1872 and died in 1918 at the age of 46. He married a wine merchants daughter and was an artist. He was 6 years younger than Beatrix and was 46 when he died whereas Beatrix lived much longer in 1943. He died of disese.

What Happened to Millie Warne?

According to a brief reference in Beatrix Potter: Writing in Code by M. Daphne Kutzer, Beatrix Potter "remained close" to Millie Warne and other members of the Warne family, despite Harold Warne's arrest for forgery in 1917 or so. I don't know what exactly happened to Millie Warne, but somehow it comforts me to think that she remained friends with Beatrix Potter.

When did the British soldier Harry Potter die?

Harry Potter (The soldier,not the Harry Potter in books!) was serving overseas when he died in Israel in 1939 during an uprising. He was aged 19 years and 10 months when he died.His grave had gone unnoticed in the British Military Cemetery in the town of Ramla for more than half a century..But thanks to Jo Rowling his grave has got a lot of public attention :)

Were did children get evauated to?

children got evacuated to the toilet.

Where did the name Potter come from?

Most names come from your profession. For example, the name "Smith" is so common because there were so many different types of smiths- blacksmith, goldsmith, etc. Someone whose last name was Potter came from a family of potters, or was one himself.

Related questions

Did William Bertram Potter have any children?


Did Beatrix and Bertram Potter have any descendants?

Yes, Beatrix Potter and her husband William Heelis had no children. Therefore, they did not have any direct descendants.

What was Beatrix Potters brother called?

Beatrix Potter's younger brother was named Bertram Potter.

When did Bertram potter die?


Did Beatrix Potter have kids?

Beatrix potter didn't have any children because she wanted to get married to the right guy but he wasn't interested so she was lonely so that's why she has no kids.

Was Beatrix Potter an only child?

No. Beatrix Potter had one younger brother named Walter Bertram.

What happened to bertram potter?

Are you refering to Bertram Potter, the brother of author Beatrix Potter? If so I'm pretty sure his first name was Walter not William. I know that Bertram was born in 1872 and died in 1918 at the age of 46. He married a wine merchants daughter and was an artist. He was 6 years younger than Beatrix and was 46 when he died whereas Beatrix lived much longer in 1943. He died of disese.

What has the author Bertram H Holland written?

Bertram H. Holland has written: 'Beginners on stage' -- subject(s): Children's theater, Stretford Children's Theatre

On what day did Walter Bertram Potter die?

He died on June 22, 1918 at age 46.

How many children does Monica Potter have?

Monica Potter has 3 children

What has the author Williamina Bertram Ireland written?

Williamina Bertram Ireland has written: 'The little child in our great cities' -- subject(s): Care and hygiene, Child welfare, Children

Who is Harry Potter's children?

Albus Severus Potter, Lily Luna Potter and James Sirius Potter