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No they didn't make they're own toys

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cos ya ma's fatt

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Q: Did many Victorian children make their own toys?
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How long was Victorian school childrens playtime?

they played a game called Wall Ball. Everyone had to try and get a ball, by bundling on top of each other. poor children had not got the money to buy games, so made do with games like skipping etc. but rich children played with dolls and so on. they spent a LOT of time being educated.

What did rich Victorian children have as toys?

Victorian children played with wheels and sticks made from iron, girls played with china or wax dolls, kites,dolls houses, tea sets skipping ropes and rocking horses with real horses hair as a mane. poor families made their own such as, cloth-peg dolls and paper windmills. if they were rich girls used to play with dolls and tea sets and boys played with toy soldiers and marbles.

What would happen if children ruled the world?

if children ruled the world, in malls there will just be toys video games, there will not be soft drinks or tea only milk, the world will be messy, everything will be for free and there will not be men to guard the world.

What did Roman children wear?

Well - that depends on the time and where. In the United states - children used to go outside and play ball - or hide and seek, or kick the can. there were tons of games and plenty of parks to play them in. In today's day and age - the parks and fields are empty. The children are either sitting at a computer, a game console, or in front of the television

What is history of toys?

the history of toys dates back to the beginning of time, even egyptions used toys to pass the time. Hope this answers your question

Related questions

Did Victorian children have toys?

yes they did

What toys did Victorian children use?

Victorian children used toys such as rocking horses, paper games, cup and ball, train sets, doll houses, and lots more!

Where can Victorian toys be obtained?

Victorian toys may be purchased or obtained a few different ways. There are some places that make replicas of old Victorian toys. Victorian School and USHist may offer some. Other ways to obtain a Victorian toy would be to research the toys and make one yourself.

Why did Victorian children make their own toys?

because toys were expensive and they could only afford to make it. And they think it is very fun and they can have something to do when they are bored. You can also try it for yourself. You can make it for anyone

Did Victorian children make their own toys?

because toys were expensive and they could only afford to make it. And they think it is very fun and they can have something to do when they are bored. You can also try it for yourself. You can make it for anyone

What materials did Victorian children make there toys with?

wood leather hay yarn string g this comment is from Katie golds

Was a diabolo for the rich or poor Victorian children?

A diabolo was generally used by rich Victorian children because they had access to toys available in shops.

What kind of toys did older children from rich Victorian families play with?


What is the difference between your toys today and Victorian toys?

The Difference between toys today and Victorian toys is that they used china for their dolls (very expensive ) and we use plastic for dolls

How did poor Victorian children make toys?

Well, it all depends on what Toy you are talking about, if it is a Doll for example, then Victorian children used to find little bits of debris (from clothing, rocks, plants, etc.), combined with good old fashion Imagination, and vuala! a doll :D There is no specific scientific answer to your question I'm afraid, this is because every child is unique and all toys created would have been done so manually. I hope i have answered your question correctly:).

What made toys which were handmade at the start of the Victorian era?


Why didn't Victorian children play with their toys on Sunday?

Children in Victorian times weren't allowed to play with their toys on Sundays because in the bible God made the world in 6 days and on the 7th (Sunday) he rested. Sunday is a day for going to church and resting. Children were allowed to play with the the toy Noah's Ark as it was a story in the bible!