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Q: Did people work on their own farms in the 1800's?
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How did the Dawes Act work?

it got rid of the buffalo and the Indians and farmers started to own back there land . it work for the white people but not for the Natives .

What changes had taken place in farming by the 1200' s?

The changes that took place in the 1200s were that even the rich people who lived in castles did work on farming. Also people now wanted their own land.

How were the Jehovah Witnesses treated during World War 1?

many were sent to concentration camps, they were treated like Jews and Hitler hated them! many died during ww1 and ww2-- they were also disliked in their own country because they did not fight in war, so they were sent to work on farms with the women or other places were made useful!

Freeing the serfs did what for the Russians?

In practical effects, it did nothing. Serfs were bound to the land that they worked. When Tsar Alexander II issued the Emancipation Manifesto it freed the serfs but created economic conditions that made it impractical to leave. The Russian government took land from the owners but paid them for it. Then the serfs were required to repay the government with what were called "redemption payments." Typically, redemption took about 49 years. Serfs were free to leave but if they did leave they had no land to work. Many left for the cities to work in factories instead. If former serfs wanted to own their own farms, they had to pay the redemption payments first.

What were the roles of the children in world war 1?

Children played a variety of roles in World War 1. Some served as messengers, delivering important messages between soldiers on the front lines. Others worked in factories and farms to support the war effort. Many children also experienced the aftermath of the war, including the loss of parents or siblings and the devastation of their homes and communities.

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Are strawberries extinct?

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Why did many freed slaves remain on the farms were they had worked as slaves?

They did not know how to live on their own as free people. -APEX

What was life like for the people kush?

They would live off of their own farms.

What life like for the people of kush?

They would live off of their own farms.

Did Germans come here to work the fields?

Yes, Germans came to America to work in the fields as well as to own their own farms. That is why almost everyone came to America before the Revolutionary war. The first Germans came when William Penn sold Farmland to a number of Germans. Some owned farms. Far more came to work the fields. A large number of German troops surrendered during the Revolutionary War and were sent to work in the fields. After a number of years, they obtained their own farms. They did not leave the farms until the industrial revolution.

What were people called that didn't have enough money to purchase their own farm so they work on farms owned by the people?

Tenant farmers rent the land from the owners. They paid in kind, usually a portion of what they grew.

In the late 1800s the brought thousands of people to California?

Mostly they came of their own accord.

What message did Protestant revivalists preach in the 1800s?

People are capable of shaping their own destinies.

How many people own a farm in US?

there is milllions of people that own a farm all over the world. Wisconsin is the 3rd state that has the most farms.

What companies should require the use of steel toe cap boots?

The only company that should be required to wear steel toe cap boots are People the work in factory's or in lumberyards.Besides company's people also wear them for their own use such as motorcycle riders and people that work on farms.