A warrior is anyone who fights well in battle or has experience in warfare.
300 guns
They were both elite warrior units in the Ottoman Empire.
You get in wel...just type /join trainers then talk to warrior...........................
Apocolyps in approximately 311BC
Paris killed Achilles, with an arrow (in his heel, the only vulnerable spot on his body). or the other legend is that Paris stabbed Achillies in the back with a dagger.
Atalanta was raised by a group of hunters on Mount Pelion in Thessaly, Greece. She was known for her exceptional hunting skills and speed, which contributed to her reputation as a skilled warrior and athlete in Greek mythology.
He had 5 siblings. I believe 2 sisters and 3 brothers
Achilles did not kill Paris at Troy. Paris was killed by Philoctetes, son of King Poeas of Meliboea in Thessaly. Like Paris, he was a famed archer and a strong warrior. He was chosen to be one of the Greek warriors hidden inside the Trojan Horse.
she was a warrior and she helped people live.
The warrior class.
There are several different ideas about it, but the most likely one is probably Cynane Another daughter of Phillip was Thessaloniki, the name was given to her because when she was borne Phillip had a victory to another Greek state, the state of Thessaly. In Greek Niki (νικη) means victory, so the total word Thessalo-Niki (Θεσσαλονίκη), means victory against the State of Thessaly. Thessaloniki was the sister of Alexander the Great and today is the name of the capital city of Macedonia, the city of Thessaloniki.
Tigerheart and Dovewing's parents are Rowanclaw and Tawnypelt. Rowanclaw is a ThunderClan warrior while Tawnypelt is a ShadowClan warrior, making Tigerheart and Dovewing siblings from different clans.
It is unknown but I doubt it because he is a important cat with the final battle.
He was very important. He was the warrior who couldn't be killed! That is, until Paris shot his heel with an arrow guided by Apollo.
warrior kronik.