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No, people generally believed children were little adults, and they treated them accordingly until well into the industrial revolution.

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Q: Did the people in medieval Europe believe in childhood?
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What were a Duchess's duties in Medieval Europe in 1199 or around then?

they looked after the town and was head of people they looked after the town and was head of people

Why is Charles V a medieval emperor?

Medieval is a descriptive term for people, objects, events, and institutions of the Middle Ages. (ended 1453)The Holy Roman emperor Charles V (1500-1558) inherited the thrones of the Netherlands, Spain, and the Hapsburg possessions but failed in his attempt to bring all of Europe under his imperial rule.

What was the economic political and social organization of medieval Europe?

The biggest influence on social life was religion, particularly the Catholic Church. The people of medieval Europe were very religious and most aspects of their lives reflected their beliefs. Politically, most European nation-states were established under an emperor or monarch. This paved the way for feudalism, a merit based system which determines the benefits one has that are earned by contributions to the country. The slave trade was a big factor for the medieval European economy. The imperialist superpowers like England and France saw slave trade as an opportunity for cheap or free labor.

Why in medieval times wells were polluted?

In Medieval times the wells were sometimes polluted because the ground was full of dirt and some people or babies spit in it and think it was a garbage can

Which of the following is considered to be fundamental rather than immediate case of world war 1?

many people believe that it was the rise of militarism in europe and the arms race it caused which meant it was inevitable that a war was going to happen, all it needed was a spark.

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What religion were most people in medieval. Europe what religions influenced most people in japan?

In the Medieval Europe, the main religion was Christianity. The religions that influenced most people in Japan are Shinto, Confucianism, and Buddhism.

The most powerful people in medieval Europe higher in class than noble lords were members of the?

The pope was the most powerful man in medieval Europe.

Whats the difference between Modern Day Europe and Medieval Europe?

fat people NO unlike now and then people in the medieval times in Europe had less advantages. such as trains, computers, and good hygiene with modern day medicines. The age limit back then was around in the twenties to die. Now all people live a bit longer. But if there wasn't a Medieval times then there wouldn't be great sites to see in Europe.

What types of jobs did people have in medieval Europe?

Blacksmiths, Goldsmiths, servant, Chamberlain,

What effect do you think these mountains had in life in medieval Europe?

The mountains separated the people

What is the fuedel pyramid?

a way of ranking people in feudal times (medieval europe)

How did Isabella of Castile affect the people in Medieval Europe?

they did good stuff like they were nurses to the people that were hurt

What was the medieval church in Western Europe criticized for?

Allowing the bible to be printed and distributed to the people.

How did the social and political structures of medieval Europe change?

People got more rich

What were monks role in medieval Europe?

Irish monks played an important role in preserving Roman learning and passing it on to the people of Europe.

What diseases killed many people in the western roman empire?

The Plague killed thousands of people in the medieval Europe.