A major difference between the Italian and Northern Renaissance has to do with the medium. Italy has a much warmer climate than Northern Europe so the painters of the Italian Renaissanceâ??s favored egg tempera cured well in it. The climate of Northern Europe did not mix well with egg tempera so northern European artists turned to and developed oil paints.
The end of the Middle Ages neared at the dawn of the Italian Renaissance. Spain was completing the Reconquista and Portugal began exploring the coast of Africa. The Black Death (bubonic plague) spread across medieval Europe between 1346 and 1350.
The Elizabethan period happened in England during Queen Elizabeth 1's rule from 1558 to 1603. On the other hand, the Renaissance period started in Italy and later expanded to other parts of mainland Europe. It happened from fourteenth to seventeenth century.
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Lorenzo de' Medici (1449-1492) was the de facto ruler of the Florentine Republic in the time of the Italian Renaissance. He was known to Florentines as Lorenzo il Magnifico, Lorenzo the Magnificent. He was a patron of scholarship and the arts and managed to keep a fragile peace between competing Italian states such as Venice and the Papal States. He ruled over a time known to Italians as the Golden Age.Within 2 years of his passing, the peace beween the Italian states came to an end, and shortly after that the French invaded Naples, beginning a period of occupation by France, Spain, or Austria for nearly four centuries.
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One is Northern and the other is Italian :)
There were only two major Renaissances in Europe. There was the Northern Renaissance and the Italian Renaissance. If you want to know the differences, there is a link below to help you learn the difference between the two and what caused them to happen in different time periods.
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The Italian Renaissance period lasted between 1330 to 1550. The Italian Renaissance was one of the earliest forms of the European Renaissance that started a great cultural change.
between 3 people: Raphelo, Caravagio, & leonardo
the difference between these is that renaissance pictures don't have cubes in and cubism pictures do!
Italian Renaissance such as Michelangelo painters focused most on technical detail and perspective. For Baroque painters, emotion was the main focus.
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Renaissance straight an simple baroque complex and overflowing.
The Renaissance era in Western music began in about 1400, in northern Italy.
Northern humanism, centered in countries like Germany and the Netherlands, focused more on religious reform and education, while Italian humanism, centered in Italy, focused on classical texts and the revival of ancient culture. Northern humanists often advocated for the use of vernacular languages in writing, while Italian humanists emphasized the use of Latin.
The Renaissance began in Italian city-states, where middle-class citizens grew to challenge the traditional powers of feudal Europe.