Reclining to eat is an ancient form. It has been in place for thousands of years. It likely originated in the nomadic lifestyle of the herders in the Middle East.
There were no East African civilizations at the time of the first European visitors, East African people were tribal, and mostly nomadic.
The Visigoths were the western branch of the Goths. The Goths were original from Sweden and migrated through eastern Europe all the way to Ukraine. When the Huns invaded their land, some of the Goths asked the Roman emperor to allow them to settle in the lower Danube area of the Roman Empire to escape the Huns. This was granted. The rest of the Goths were conquered by the Huns and became their vassals. The Goths in the Roman Empire then came to be called Visigoths (Goths of the west) because at that point they lived further west than the other Goths. The other Goths came to be called Ostrogoths (Goths of the east).
They were nomadic
The nomadic era of human history comes to an end because people domesticated and plants and were able to stay in one place.
The Comanche were nomadic herders.
The Comanche were nomadic herders.
Nomadic herders roam with their animals to where the greenest grass and the most water is.
Nomadic herders are people who bring their tents and belongings with them for life, and raise goats, sheeps, camels, and yaks.
it means they only eat meat.
being semi nomadic herders
The Aryan society didn't move their herds of cattle when they travel ,also they would stop at a place build a civilization unlike the Harappans.
To seasonal food and water sources.