Because the former British Colonies declared themselves independent.
The British lost organization of the colonies after the revolutionary war. This is because the colonies took over organization of themselves instead of foreign rule.
japan is comprised of two former European colonies!!!!!
Most former british colonies are still Christian. Much hasn't changed in most of the colonies that were under Britain rule.
They had little experience governing themselves in a free-market system.
seperate colonies
No, they were colonies of Belgium under King Leopold II
The latter is a simplified version of the former in the way that the Romans themselves would have most probably notated 1993. But in accordance with today's rules governing the Roman numeral system 1993 is written out as MCMXCIII.
When studying history in school, you will learn about the original colonies. The former colonies retained most of their power under he Articles of Confederation. That sentence has the correct answers inserted.
The Politburo was the name given the top governing body of the former Soviet Union.