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because Hitler had threatened to start another war. so to avoid this they gave into him.

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Q: Great Britain and France gave into Hitler's demands for territory at the 1938 Munich Conference because?
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Why was David Lloyd george important?

David Lloyd George was important because during his lifetime he made several important changes in Britain. He became Prime Minister in 1916 and was Britain's chief delegate to the Paris Peace Conference. In 1921 he also helped to secure independence for the Irish Free State.

Why the round table conference 1931 is called as round table conference?

The answer is:It is because that in the round table all the members have equal rights and no one has the right to veto others right, thats why it is called the roundtable conference.

What was the Berlin conference about?

The Berlin Conference was pretty much the dividing of Africa. The country leaders of Austria-Hungary, Sweden-Norway, Portugal, Spain, Holland, The United Kingdom, and other European countries attended this. The countries went here because of the raw minerals and slaves in Africa. You might learn in class about the Triangle Trade which consists of the trading from European countries to African countries to the United States. The Berlin Conference was held in Berlin, Germany It took place from November 1884 to February 1885. Not even a year between the two. This is significant because the leaders did this to avoid war. That didn't really work out because Holland had control of South Africa. Great Britain decided to go and take Holland. There ended up being a war between the 2 and Great Britain won South Africa.

Why did europeans want to expand their territory and influence outside of Renaissance Europe?

They wanted to expand their territory because their mamma was to fat .

Why did Britain have an empire?

Britain had an empire because they wanted to be the most powerful counrty!

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Because it used to be a foreign territory belonging to Britain

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Because after the French and Indian war, when the French lost they seceded their territory to Great Britain

What territory did great Britain after the war?

This is difficult to answer because we don't know to which war you are referring. For example, as a result of the French and Indian War, France gave Britain all its territories in mainland North America. At the end of World War 1, Britain gained territory in Africa.

Why did both us and great Britain lose interest in Oregon territory?

because of the lack of natuarl resources, or goverment

England also known as?

Albion. Britain and the United Kingdom do not count because they include territory that is definitely outside England.

What did the colonists and great Britain disagreed over?

The taxation to the colonists. Britain said that they could do that because they were in charge of everything that happened in their territory. The colonists said that they could not be taxed because there was no representation in Britain's Parliament.

Is it true that king louis xvi of france offerd to sell the louisiana territory to the us because he needed money for his war with great britain?


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There are two main reasons on why the federalist party purchased Louisiana territory. The main two reasons for doing this was because the tie they had with Britain and compromising with Napoleon.

Why was the Louisiana Territory important to Americans?

Louisiana Purchase. Territory of the United States Napoleon needed peace with Great Britain to implement the Treaty of San Ildefonso and take possession of Louisiana. Otherwise, Louisiana would be an easy prey for Britain or even or the U.S. But in early 1803, war between France and Britain seemed unavoidable

Why was adolf hitlers nickname the death maker?

because he was a mad man because he killed people that he did not like