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Q: He made seven voyages to exciting places?
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Who made seven voyages to exciting places?

Sinbad the sailor

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How many voyages did Sindbad the Sailor make?

Sindbad the sailor supposedly made seven voyages.

What is christopher Columbus greatest achievement?

he made three voyages he found the "new world" or what we call the Americas today. Not that he made three voyages.

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Sir Francis Drake made many voyages to many places.

What Chinese court official made seven overseas voyages between 1405and 1433?

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How Many voyages did Christopher columbas make?

Columbus made 4 voyages Columbus made 4 voyages

How many voyages did Balboa have?

Ah, Balboa was a brave explorer who embarked on several voyages in his lifetime. He is most famous for being the first European to see the Pacific Ocean from the Americas. Each voyage brought him new discoveries and experiences, adding to the rich tapestry of his life's adventures.

How did the voyages of Christopher Columbus differ from earlier voyages?

he made it to America

What exciting things happend on Christopher Columbus voyage?

Christopher Columbus was exited to find a new land but people were already thier.

How many voyages did Champlain make to North America?

he made 4 voyages