Henry Hudson
Catherine didn't have a male heir for Henry and he had to insure that there was a male heir so the crown would stay within the Tutor family. His hold on the crown was tentative at best and there were others who had a better claim on the throne than he did. One reason the Catholic Church gave him such a hard time Catherine's uncle was pope and supported Catherine in her battle with Henry.
During the Hundred Years War (1337-1453), England's King Henry VI (1421-1471) was actually crowned king of France in Paris on December 16, 1431. However, in subsequent years, the English cause in France became more untenable and ultimately failed in its claim to the French crown.
Penis and vagina are where babies are made!!
The Act of Supremacy established Henry VIII as not only the King of England but the head of the Anglican Church as well. This meant he did not have to answer to any religious ruler and had absolute power over decisions of both church and state in Britain. This power, in a time when the Pope controlled nearly everyone, was unprecedented.
December 19 1154 Was the Date of his coronation
She was fourth in line to the throne after her mother and Henry VIII's two daughters, because she was his great niece. If you claimed that Henry's daughters were illegitimate, as Henry himself liked to claim, and as her mother waived her right, Lady Jane was next in line. It was convenient that she should be Queen because she was a Protestant.
his father died before him leaving him king at 14.
No he died when his father HenryVII was on the throne but died so the claim to the throne went to his younger brother- the future HenryVIII
Henry Hudson
because she was cousins with elizabeth I.
Claim the Throne was created in 2004.
Well because there was no one there to stop him so he claimed the throne for himself.
No officially recognised country today does claim metropolitan France. The British Royalty has had claims on the French throne and kingdom from 1337 up to 1815 and the heirs were crowned as both kings and queens of England and France.There are separatists movements that claim some parts of France, as well as conflicts over France's possessions abroad, but no country does claim France, and France does not claim "countries" either.
Because his wife had no claim to the throne. Charles will claim his throne based on him being Elizabeth's son, not his father's.
According to the English laws of succession, he was entitled to claim the throne of France, whereas under the French law - he did not. In Elizabethan times, the common opinion was that this was a just, rightful war, while to the French the 100-year war was a mere foreign invasion.
A:Henry of Navarre was next in line to the throne of France, but a Huguenot. On his accession in 1581 Henry realised that he would only make good his claim to the throne by adopting Catholicism, and finally converted in 1593, effectively ending the religious wars.