depends on the size...
big ships equal 2000
small ships equal 50-250
medium ships equal 250-2000...
again it depends on the size
8 crew members 21 gold coins 25 silver coins
28 men on the endurance plus 10 laying supplies on the far side of the pole from the Aurora.
He had a crew of 35 men.
In a ship in the 1500 they might have needed a captain, first mate, second mate, navigator, logbook keeper, master-at-arms, and ship's doctor. Also athe executive officer.Answer from In_the_1500's_what_jobs_did_they_have_on_a_sailing_ship
747 Crew members were on Champlain's ship. 476 of them died of disease or falling of the ship. His crew members were like slaves to him.
=there were 23 crew members on the ship=
40 crew members
There are 40 crew members to fight fires in the cruise ship.
18 Eighteen
around 30
23 women crew members were onboard the Titanic
100 peoples
A ship of the time usually had 20-30 crew.
He had a crew of 35 men.
His ship was swift, easy to handle, and able to carry a large crew of as many as 250 pirates