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If a majority of the MP's vote against a major government decision.

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Q: How can a party in power be defeated in Parliament?
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In the English Civil War how did Charles power struggle with parliament help to start the English Civil War?

well Charles ! with Parliament because Charles did not give them enough power and so the civil war broke out on really what seems to be Parliament and Charles fighting over power!!!!!!!x

What happend to the power of English parliament during the 1200s and 1300s?

its as powerful as a monarchy

How many mps are there in the labor party?

There are 258 Labour Members of Parliament as of January 11, 2012, plus 3 MPs from the Social and Democratic Labour Party, which is another Labour party based in Northern Ireland only.

How did Parliament beat Charles in 1642?

Parliament engaged in several civil wars with Charles. They defeated him when the number of loyalists who were fighting to protect the king fell short of the amount needed to win the war. After the defeat, Charles escaped through safe houses and an oak tree and went to France.

What political party holds the majority of seats in the Canadian house of Commons?

Currently, no party holds a majority of seats in the House of Commons. Her Majesty's Government for Canada (the Conservative Party) holds a plurality of seats (144), but must govern with the support of nine or more opposition members of the Commons on all key votes. Should a measure of confidence (i.e., any vote on a budget, a ways and means motion, or a key agenda piece of the Government) not pass, the Government would be considered defeated and would need to resign or seek a dissolution of Parliament.

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Who is the Parliament in Albania?

The Democratic party is in power right now in the Parliament. Our Prime minister is Sali Berisha.

What is hang Parliament?

A hung parliament is one where, after voting, neither party has the majority of power (or seats). To put it simply, it's a draw.

Does the Greens Party of Germany support or oppose same-sex marriage?

They support it. They introduced a bill in parliament to legalize it. The bill was defeated in July 2012.

How effective is the house of lords?

The House of Lords has no power actually over the House of Commons (Parliament). But, they have a braking power, a right to scrutinise (often in very fine detail) any act of Parliament the Government (the political party currently in power) wishes to bring into law. A member's Bill may pass back and forth from the Commons to the Lords and amended several times, until it is finally approved or defeated in the House of Commons, and passed (or not) into law.

How did Cleopatra loose her power?

Cleopatra lost her power by being defeated by Octavian.Cleopatra lost her power by being defeated by Octavian.Cleopatra lost her power by being defeated by Octavian.Cleopatra lost her power by being defeated by Octavian.Cleopatra lost her power by being defeated by Octavian.Cleopatra lost her power by being defeated by Octavian.Cleopatra lost her power by being defeated by Octavian.Cleopatra lost her power by being defeated by Octavian.Cleopatra lost her power by being defeated by Octavian.

When was the nazi party defeated?

It was defeated in 1945, when Germany lost the war, the Nazi party was outlawed.

In 1967 Kamaraj defeated in parliament or assembly election?

He was defeated in Assembly election at Virudhunagar in 1967,

Which political party was in power in 1996 in Britain?

The Conservatives under Prime Minister John Major were in government in 1996, they actually had a negative majority and relied on the support of the Ulster Unionist party to allow legislation to pass through parliament.

Iranian Jew who is in power in israel?

There is an Iranian Jewish parliament member in the Kadima party named Shaul Mofaz.

Who makes up the UK Cabinet?

Members of the Party currently in power of the UK Parliament make up the cabinet.

The British system concentrates power in the?

The British system concentrates power in the hands of the Parliament, which is made up of elected Members of Parliament (MPs) and the House of Lords. The Prime Minister, who is the leader of the ruling party in Parliament, holds significant executive power in terms of running the government.

When was Party People - Parliament song - created?

Party People - Parliament song - was created in 1979.