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James Scobie was a Ballarat goldminer who was involved in a drunken fight at the Eureka Hotel, also known as Bentley's Hotel, during which he died. Initially, the hotel's owner and employees were absolved of blame in an official inquiry. However, when a second inquest into his death was held, the hotel's owner, Bentley, and two of his staff were found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to three years' hard labour in the road-gangs. Scobie was believed to have died from a blow to his head.

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When was James Scobie born?

James Scobie was born in 1826.

When did Ronald Scobie die?

Ronald Scobie died in 1969.

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When did Jack Scobie die?

Jack Scobie died on 1974-04-26.

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Scobie Breasley died on 2006-12-21.

What happened to James Scobie?

James scoty scobie is a miner who got bashed by 4 men including James bentley who owns bentley hotel. James scobie got bashed because he got drunk and smashed a window at bentleys hotel. it started when scoty wanted a drink and the eaureka hotel owned by James bently after the bashing of James scobie an angry mob came to avenge scobies death 14 days later, soon the hotel was alight and the men were chairing and scobie was avenged

What is the name of the hotel that burned and when did it burn during the gold rush?

the eureaka hotel got burnt after a mob of miners avenged James scotty scobie James bently was also killed after he murdered scobie, James bently aslo was the owner of the hotel

Where is the location of James Scobie's grave?

The old Ballarat Cemetery, Ballarat, Victoria

What has the author Gavin Scobie written?

Gavin Scobie has written: 'Gavin Scobie'

What has the author James R Scobie written?

James R. Scobie has written: 'Secondary cities of Argentina' -- subject(s): History, Social conditions, Urbanization 'Argentina: a city and a nation' -- subject(s): History 'Argentina' -- subject(s): Argentine Republic, History

How did scobie die?

James Scobie was a Ballarat goldminer who was involved in a drunken fight at the Eureka Hotel, also known as Bentley's Hotel, during which he died. Initially, the hotel's owner and employees were absolved of blame in an official inquiry. However, when a second inquest into his death was held, the hotel's owner, Bentley, and two of his staff were found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to three years' hard labour in the road-gangs. Scobie was believed to have died from a blow to his head.

When was Scobie Mackenzie born?

Scobie Mackenzie was born in 1845.