He turned all the powerful nobles into countries. He kept his enemies by "rovelced Edict Of Nantes".
Sometimes, people call the soldiers who keep watch for enemies Sentries or lookouts.
The Saxons built motte-and-bailey fortifications. The Normans built Shell keeps. Both were intended to provide a fortified location from which enemies could be fought.
The problems that Charles V encountered in his attempt to keep Europe Roman Catholic was that he faced enemies on all sides such as; ottoman Turk's, french, and especially the German princes.
Louis XIV produced a large well paid army and limited the power of his nobles. Having survived the first Fronde during his childhood, he had a great distrust of nobles and transformed them from being independent, potential enemies to court fixtures who were totally dependent upon the King's favor.
no estates general, increase the size of military, creasted a lot of new nobles and let them spend all time on him and spent money on art and wars to make powerful france. no estates general, increase the size of military, creasted a lot of new nobles and let them spend all time on him and spent money on art and wars to make powerful france.
they used terror tactics against the enemies of Bolshevism
It teaches that there is always a paradox. The saying goes "keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer" only in this case "keep your enemies close but keep your enemies closer"
The Enemies You Keep - 2012 was released on: USA: June 2012
To keep enemies away from there villages
It's true, Nixon had an enemies list.
to keep enemies out
Keep beating enemies with it.
The cast of Keep Your Enemies Close - 2009 includes: Joel Defries as Himself - Presenter
Expansion was needed to keep the United States safe from its enemies.
to keep their enemies out
"The GodFather"