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Q: How did Otto the Great make the crown stronger than the German nobles?
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Did Otto the great make the crown stronger than the German nobles?

Magyars invaded the empire in 954, and this invasion forced the nobility to reunite with Otto in order to defend themselves. :D

How did Otto the great make the crown stronger than the German noble?

Magyars invaded the empire in 954, and this invasion forced the nobility to reunite with Otto in order to defend themselves. :D

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the peasants cultivated the lands in russia but nobles,crown and chruch owned large property.peasants needed the nobles land to cultivate but peasants refused to pay the rents and even murdered landlords.

How did otto the great make the crown stronger than the noble Germans?

Magyars invaded the empire in 954, and this invasion forced the nobility to reunite with Otto in order to defend themselves. :D

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The artillery cap badge with a wreath, crossed cannons, and German crown was typically used by the German military during World War I. The design varied slightly between different branches of the German artillery, but generally, it featured a wreath surrounding crossed cannons with a crown on top.

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German No Nicolaus Copernicus was enployed by the polish crown and grew up in Poland he is polish

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