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Stalin treated the Jews in a manner which served as a demonstration of the tyrant that he was.

1) He forcibly transferred tens of thousands of Jews to southeastern Siberia (the Birobidzhan region).

2) During the Great Purge, many Jews were killed.

3) Stalin purged the Soviet Foreign Ministry of Jewish employees.

4) After the foundation of Israel, the 2 million Soviet Jews were portrayed by the Stalinist regime as disloyal.

5) In November 1948, Soviet authorities launched a campaign to liquidate what was left of Jewish culture.

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10y ago

Stalinism was all encompassing way of life controlling speech, media, thought, with the common idea that even conversations under the bed sheets were not safe. These policies including the creation of a police state, his cult personality, collectivization, torture, mass executions, purges, show trials, and the creation of gulag system of prison camps across the country.

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10y ago

1) He forcibly transferred tens of thousands of Jews to southeastern Siberia (the Birobidzhan region).
2) During the Great Purge, many Jews were killed (though they weren't singled out; others were killed too).
3) Stalin promised the Nazis (Ribbentrop) to purge the Soviet Foreign Ministry of any Jewish employees, and did so (1939).
4) After the foundation of Israel in May 1948, and its alignment with the USA in the Cold War, the 2 million Soviet Jews were portrayed by the Stalinist regime as disloyal.
5) In November 1948, Soviet authorities launched a campaign to liquidate what was left of Jewish culture.
6) A campaign to remove Jews from positions of authority within the state security services was carried out in 1952-1953.
7) In 1953, a plan was hatched by Stalin to send all of the Jews to Siberia. Only Stalin's death the same year relieved the fear.

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Both often treated their citizens with callous diregard for their welfare.

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Read "The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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He killed all those who opposed him.

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