The attack and the march inspired passage of the Voting Rights Act, which barred obstacles such as literacy tests that were set up..(your welcome)!!
Was because it lead 2 the killings of people also wife kids and babys.
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie was the event that led Austria to declare war. This led to a chain reaction of war declarations that began World War I, much like the devastating effects of a powder keg. The tensions in the Balkan area were rather high, as there were two major conflicting powers (Austro-Hungary and Russia), were heavily involved in the conflict of the region. Austro-Hungary held power over Bosnia, which the Serbian nationalists claimed as part of their country. Russia sided with Serbia, promising to protect them in the event of war. Tensions rose, like a powder keg, just waiting for the spark that would ignite and bring about conflict.
Bloody Sunday ignited the full scale revolution because it inspired the passage of the Voting Rights Act. This act took away certain stipulations that kept many from voting.
The attack and the march inspired passage of the Voting Rights Act, which barred obstacles such as literacy tests that were set up..(your welcome)!!
The attack and the march inspired passage of the Voting Rights Act, which barred obstacles such as literacy tests that were set up..(your welcome)!!
ignite the full-scale revolution ?
The policies of the Czars helped to ignite the full-scale revolution by autocratic policies, harsh measures and resistance to change inflamed the masses.
Hi annabelle :)
Hi annabelle :)
Hi annabelle :)
Hi annabelle :)
The Industrial Revolution was where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport occured.
The Industrial Revolution was where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport occured.
Child labor and bad working conditions.