The balkins were people of a different ethnic so yea didnt answer your question but yea go read a book
The Balkans were guaranteed to explode in the early 1900s. Different ethnic groups abounded in the region and were all vying for a country of their own. The area had been controlled by empires for the previous centuries and was starting to gain independence in some places and lose it in others. The dispute between powerful neighbors over influence in the Balkans wasn't helping either.
The province of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory both share a border with Alaska.
Josip Broz Tito was the Prime Minister (1943-63) and later President (1953-80) of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Tribal conflict refers to a disagreement between two or more groups from different ethnic backgrounds. This is a very common scenario in Africa where tribes fight each other mostly due to political differences.
The ancestors of the ethnic Russians were East-Slavic tribes fleeing from Mongol invasions.
The violence in the Balkans in the 1990s was primarily caused by a combination of historical ethnic and religious tensions, the breakup of Yugoslavia, and the desire for self-determination among various ethnic groups. Nationalism, political manipulation, and the legacy of past conflicts also played significant roles in fueling the violence.
Ethnic tensions in Czechoslovakia led to
the serbians vieved the austrians as foreign oppressors
Colonialism created politically unstable nations
The majority of the population of the Balkans and Russia are the Slavs.
Ethnic and religious tensions in Central Asia are _____ those in the Caucasus.
Ethnic tensions refers to conflicts of interest among various ethnic groups within a society. Thus as example, if a large city has a police force that is dominated by a specific ethnic group, this can create tensions between the police force and poor minority groups in their relationships with each other. The dominate ethnic group will in some cases try to take advantage of the fact that they have police powers over a smaller ethnic group with problems such as poverty. Tensions between the "haves & have nots" become "ethnic tensions".
the mountains
in 1914, no role of ethnic or religious tensions
There are around a dozen major ethnicities in the Balkans and a number of minor ones as well. The major ethnicities include:AlbanianBosniakBulgarianCroatGreekHungarianMacedonianMontenegrinRomani (Gypsy)RomanianSerbTurk
Racial or ethnic tensions
It increased ethnic tensions in Africa.