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They were now required to attend school more

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attend school more

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Q: How did laws change regarding children under the age of 12?
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How did laws change regarding children under the age of?

They were now required to attend school more

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That means you are the surviving spouse and have all the rights of a surviving spouse under federal laws and state laws, especially under the state laws regarding inheritance.That means you are the surviving spouse and have all the rights of a surviving spouse under federal laws and state laws, especially under the state laws regarding inheritance.That means you are the surviving spouse and have all the rights of a surviving spouse under federal laws and state laws, especially under the state laws regarding inheritance.That means you are the surviving spouse and have all the rights of a surviving spouse under federal laws and state laws, especially under the state laws regarding inheritance.

How did laws change children under the age of 12?

They were now required to attend school more (Apex)

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What is the age limit for children sharing a room in Pa?

There are no laws regarding sharing a room.

Can a 15 year old and a 24 year old date legally?

There are no laws regarding dating anywhere. There are laws regarding sexual contact, and the younger is under the age of consent.

What are Georgia state laws regarding opposite sex children sharing a bedroom?

as long as they are siblings

What are laws regarding marrying some one with children already?

Nothing specific, but see link below

What is the law when a parent leaves all to one child and not the others?

The laws regarding disinheritance of adult children vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. In most states a parent can disinherit adult children as long as it is done properly under the provisions of state laws. You should consult with an attorney in your state who specializes in probate law.

What are the laws on parental consent for sex in New York State?

AnswerThere are laws regarding 'parental consent for sex'. There are laws regarding the age of sexual consent. If you�re under the age of sexual consent, then you can have sex, as long as your parents are okay with it.

Are Missouri and Maryland the only states with laws regarding children being left home alone?

See Related Links (Home Alone Children and Legal Age Limits) for listing of states with laws and guidelines.

Under current cnsumer protection laws is fastfood marketing aimed at children misleading?

Under current laws, fast food marketing to children is regulated. The laws do not explicitly say that the advertisements are misleading, but they imply that it is unethical to market unhealthy food to children who cannot make informed choices about food.