By working to establish a balance of power between European states
The country that did not attend the Congress of Vienna was the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was not invited to the Congress due to its declining power and influence in Europe at the time. The Congress of Vienna was a meeting of European powers in 1814-1815 to reorganize Europe after the Napoleonic Wars, and the Ottoman Empire's absence was a significant omission from the negotiations.
Europe established a balance of power following the Napoleonic Wars.
I think it's always been there ! It arose as a country after the Napoleonic wars.
The effects of the French Revolution went beyond that nation's borders. Within France new rights were being granted to previously neglected groups, among them the middle class, women, and Jews. Soon, France found one of its colonies seeking the same freedoms.
During the time period of 1800-1815 in Europe. the Napoleonic Wars occurred. In 1803, Britain declared war on France. The war continued until 1815.
The French Revolutionary Wars, the Napoleonic Wars and the Congress of Vienna resulted in the cnsolidation of many tiny Germanic states into what became the Germanic Republic.
The purpose of the Congress of Vienna was to establish peace after the Napoleonic Wars. It led to a balance of power that mostly remained in place until World War I.
They used that premise in the post Napoleonic Wars to place Louis XVIII on the throne of France.
As a result of the Congress of Vienna, France lost all the territories seized during the Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars and was restricted to the borders of 1789.
As a result of the Congress of Vienna, France lost all the territories seized during the Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars and was restricted to the borders of 1789.
As a result of the Congress of Vienna, France lost all the territories seized during the Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars and was restricted to the borders of 1789.
The congress of Vienna met from September of 1814 until June of 1815. The objective of the congress was to provide a long-term peace for Europe by settling critical issues that had arisen from the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars.
In 1815 the Congress of Vienna had restored Austrian Domination over the Italian Peninsula and left Italy completely fragmented, dividing the country amongst different European Countries as well as victors of the Napoleonic Wars.
The country that did not attend the Congress of Vienna was the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was not invited to the Congress due to its declining power and influence in Europe at the time. The Congress of Vienna was a meeting of European powers in 1814-1815 to reorganize Europe after the Napoleonic Wars, and the Ottoman Empire's absence was a significant omission from the negotiations.
nope. . .They allowed Napoleon to stay on the throne and go back to pre-conquest France.
Return France to King Louis XVIII of the Bourbon Dynasty. Forget the French Revolution and forget the Napoleonic Wars as if they never happened.