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The Eora people were the hunter-fisher-gatherers of the Sydney coastal basin. As coastal dwellers, they were skilled at harvesting food from the sea. As well as skilfully spearing fish and turtles from the sea, they developed fish traps which they used to herd fish into coastal waterways for easy capture. They navigated the coastal waterways in canoes cut from tree bark. The women were the gatherers, collecting eggs, fruits, nuts and berries.

Rules were determined by women elders, but enforced by the male elders. Young boys were initiated in complex ceremonies in which they were scarred by cicatrices on their chest or back which then identified them as belonging to a particular clan. Corroborees celebrated initiations, or told of hunting exploits.

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How do the eora people live?

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How do Eora people live?

in huts

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In the Sydney area.

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The Eora territory spread from the Georges River and botany Bay in the south to Port Jackson.

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The Eora people spoke the Dharug dialect.

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Because the eora people had no clothes and were naked

What did the eora people?

The Eora people drank animal blood and water if they found any.

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The Eora people were the Aborigines of the Port Jackson/Sydney area.