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Well, honey, the French Revolution shook things up like a strong martini in the world of sociology. It paved the way for thinkers like Auguste Comte to start pondering about society and its structures. So, you could say it was the kick in the pants that sociology needed to get its groove on.

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2w ago
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11y ago

The French Revolution influenced a lot to the rise of sociology, due to many factors considered by the philosophers and theorist by that time (e.g. Karl Marx. Auguste Comte). The people has had resentment.

Many other factors involved resentments and aspirations given focus by the rise of Enlightenment ideals. These included resentment of royal absolutism; resentment by peasants, laborers and the bourgeoisie toward the traditional seigneurial privileges possessed by the nobility; resentment of the Catholic Church's influence over public policy and institutions; aspirations for freedom of religion; resentment of aristocratic bishops by the poorer rural clergy; aspirations for social, political and economic equality, and (especially as the Revolution progressed) republicanism; hatred of Queen Marie-Antoinette, who was falsely accused of being a spendthrift and an Austrian spy; and anger toward the King for firing finance minister Jacques Necker, among others, who were popularly seen as representatives of the people. Which in result, they collaborated to stand for a change. when they collaborated to speak up for their right and participation, the so-called "care for companion - (where the early meaning of sociology all about) took place. Because of the rise against how the economy were run by their government which they were not happy about, paved the way to the development of camaraderie between among each other and for the betterment of tax system which had a welfare for everyone( as a commoner, as a worker) wherein they believed that it should not be only shouldered by the peasants and commoners alone, and they thought to reduce the exemptions of tax of nobility and clergy.

Note: some part of this answer was taken from WIKIPEDIA and not all thoughts here are mine.

liberty, equality, fraternity

rights for everyone

changing of the human war

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13y ago

i don't know plus i 'don't have a friend.could you not just give me anwer?

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