APEX: people could worship as they pleased but non-muslims had to pay higher taxes
They influenced the Iberian Peninsula in the areas of technology, legends, literature, foods, architecture, place names, language, cuisine, music, arts, sciences, mathematics, secret knowledge, universities, books, electricity, baths, religion, astronomy, Astrology, numerology, lessons to those who wee worthy and initiated call Masonry today, the list is endless. For example, the traditional houses of Alentejo and Algarve come from the moors.
The Moors invaded Europe to defeat the Christian Visigoths in the Iberian Peninsula. They intended to spread Islam across this area, which is now known as Spain.
Europe is a large continent, there are several Peninsulas that belong to its territory, among them: The Iberian Peninsula, the Balkans Peninsula, the Italian Peninsula, the Scandinavian Peninsula, the Courland Peninsula, the Crimea Peninsula, the Jutland Peninsula, the Gibraltar Peninsula, the Klek Peninsula and the Walcheren Peninsula.
Gibraltar is a British overseas territory located on the southern end of the Iberian Peninsula at the entrance of the Mediterranean. It has a northern border with Spain and although takes care of its own affairs is still governed by the UK.
The last stronghold of the Moors was Granada Spain.
The voyages of Christopher Columbus beginning in 1492 changed the world dramatically. Here are some important changes: A. The voyages of Columbus, in a short amount of time, revealed to Europe that an immense new hemisphere was there to be explored and made into new settlements. Much more so than the colonies they had already discovered and colonized in Africa and Asia; B. For Spain especially, which had just forced the Moors out of the Iberian peninsula, it gave Spain a new sphere of influence and wealth that allowed her to bring her power up to the standards of France and England; and C. The 1492 voyage was the beginning, a slow beginning to the end of the Native American empires and of the Tribal nations in North America.
the Moors
Moors (Muslims living in medieval times), Jews, and anyone who was not Christian that lived in Spain, were given two options: convert to Christianity or you will be kicked out. Spain, at this time, controlled all of the Iberian Peninsula, and as a result of the Spanish Reconquista, the Iberian Peninsula was ultimately 100% Christian.
The Moors were medieval Muslims who took up residence on the Iberian peninsula. They included Arabs, Berbers, and Africans.
This is the year when the moors (Muslims) invaded the Iberian Peninsula.
Moors were Arabs from the middle east.
The Moors were Muslims from northeastern Africa that invaded the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal) during the middle ages.
The Moors consolidated their control over the majority of the Iberian Peninsula, however it was not called "Spain" at that time.
The Moors occupied regions of North Africa and parts of the Iberian Peninsula, including modern-day Spain and Portugal, during the medieval period. They also had a presence in parts of Southern Italy.
The Moors were overthrown in 1492 with the fall of Granada, the last Moorish stronghold in Spain. This event marked the end of Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula.
The Moors invaded Europe to defeat the Christian Visigoths in the Iberian Peninsula. They intended to spread Islam across this area, which is now known as Spain.
The Moors were predominantly located in North Africa and southern Spain during the medieval period, with their influence extending into parts of Europe. They were a diverse group of Muslim peoples of Arab, Berber, and African descent who ruled over the Iberian Peninsula for several centuries.
The Iberian peninsula.