How the Dutch broke the Spanish monopoly
The Dutch were fighting the Spanish for independence and the Portuguese for trade and empire. They triumphed over the Portuguese in nearly every part of the globe. Then, to boost their trade with the Spanish empire, they attacked Portuguese slave trading stations in West Africa and finally captured Elmina, the greatest slaving station in 1637. With this supply of slaves from Africa, the Dutch were well equip to penetrate the Spanish empire.
From Araya, the Dutch trade expanded along the coast of the Guianas and Venezuelas and then to Hispaniola and other Spanish islands, trading slaves for tobacco and hies and skins.
In 1624, the Dutch captured Bahia and Pernambuco and until 1654, actually controlled the North-Eastern part of Brazil. It was here that the Dutch gained their expertise in sugar planting and manufacturing.
In 1595. they formed their own East India Company which broke Spanish power in the Caribbean.
The term convict is not used anymore. If you want to become a convict, which I certainity hope it, if when you break the law and you get captured. Then they deport you into a new land, like the English when they brought all the prisoners to Australia
American colonies' break from British rule
Brecher (ברעכער) = "to break"
to break
"Breakdancing is beautiful!" is one English equivalent of the French masculine singular phrase C'est beau, le break! The pronunciation of the words -- which literally translate as "It's beautiful, the breakdancing (or "break," "breather," "station wagon")" -- will be "sey bo luh brayk" in French.
"During the lunch break" is a literal English equivalent of the French phrase pendant la pause déjeuner. The prepositional phrase also translates as "during lunch break" since French employs the definite article -- in this case, la -- where English may not use "the." The pronunciation will be "paw-daw la pohz dey-zhuh-ney" in French.
In 1904 President Roosevelt got the supreme court to rule that Northern securities company was a monopoly.
The first European nation to attempt to break the Italian monopoly on trade with the far east in the 15th century was?
break up into smaller, independent companies
standard oil company
The prickly pear was brought to Australia by the British for the purpose of starting a cochineal dye industry. The British wanted to break Spain's monopoly on the cochineal dye industry by entering the market using sources from its own colonies.
Yes a monopoly can lose money. If they are caught monopolizing in the US the courts will demand they break up the monopoly causing more companies to be made and more taxes to be brought forth, not including fines for having a monopoly.
The origin of the word "a Break" or verb "to break" comes from the local language of Normandy (France) "une brèque" which means the same as the English word. It means also an hole in an hurdle. The pronunciation is the same for the french and English word. Many English words have their origins in the Normandy's language See also "Cat"... source: Grandparents and local linguist.
If the business has no competition and becomes a monopoly.
"Recess, playtime, break" are English equivalents of the French phrase "la récréation."Specifically, the French word is a feminine noun. Its singular definite article "la" means "the." The pronunciation is "lah rey*-krey*-ah-syoh."*The sound is similar to that in the English exclamation "hey."