Women during the French Revolution were viewed as lesser humans than men. They were excluded from the Declaration of the Rights of Men which granted all men in France certain rights. During part of the Revolution women were allowed to inherit property, but this right was revoked by Napoleon. In the later years of the Revolution women's right to express their views was reduced. Women's clubs were banned and violators were arrested. Women were imprisoned and executed.
Women during the French Revolution were viewed as lesser humans than men. They were excluded from the Declaration of the Rights of Men which granted all men in France certain rights. During part of the Revolution women were allowed to inherit property, but this right was revoked by Napoleon. In the later years of the Revolution women's right to express their views was reduced. Women's clubs were banned and violators were arrested. Women were imprisoned and executed.
There was no role of women in french revolution.
Because it was a people's or popular revolution begun at the grass roots for bread and hope and not created by a philosopher or political scientist. Examples include the Storming of the Bastille and the Women's March on Versailles.
the revolution led to many changes in France. the revolution led to development of new political forces such as democracy and nationlism. The revolution also gave new meanings and ideas to the political ideas of the people . The reign of terror largely administered by Danton and Robespierre saw the behadine of many members of the royalty including Marie Antoniette and countless others who were members of the French court. As France struggled under ineffective leadership that changed very little . Napoleon was able to return from a campaign in Egypt and seize power with militry help. French culture was the emergence of middle class.
Dumbledore was not a french monarch and was not beheaded during the french revolution
The French Revolution took place between 1789 and 1799.
There was no role of women in French Revolution.
the women had a great role in the french revolution for there rights
No. The French Revolution was not an effect of the industrial revolution. The French revolution occurred due to the anger of the masses against the despotic rule of the monarchs in France.
There was no role of women in french revolution.
Yes, on that point the French Revolution granted equal rights to women.
it made the women more free
Boats existed long before the French revolution and long before France, but the French revolution was not about boats, and boats didn't have any effect on it.
It ended his reign.
Women during the French Revolution were viewed as lesser humans than men. They were excluded from the Declaration of the Rights of Men which granted all men in France certain rights. During part of the Revolution women were allowed to inherit property, but this right was revoked by Napoleon. In the later years of the Revolution women's right to express their views was reduced. Women's clubs were banned and violators were arrested. Women were imprisoned and executed.
The Industrial Revolution increased employment opportunities for women.
Each had their own significance. On a world terms the French revolution had a greater impact.