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Through much of the Middle Ages, serfs were not allowed to move off the manors where they lived. For the most part, they had to live and work in the places where they were born.

The plague reduced the rural population so much that many members of the nobility did not have enough serfs to work their land. In fact some manors were abandoned altogether, because there were no serfs to work on them. The result was that a number of nobles bribed serfs to move illegally to their manors, and protected them once they got there. This broke the old manorial ties.

You should understand, however, that the manorial system was never in use over all of Europe, and it was already on the decline long before the plague. Also, in some places, it lasted until long after the Black Death was over. In some places, it was still in place until the 19th century.

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they were told to speak

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Q: How did the outbreak of plague in the 14th century contribute to the decline of feudalism in Europe?
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How were the growing tensions between the nobility and the emerging monarchies a key to explaining some of the reasons for the decline of feudalism in Europe by the end of the fourteenth century?


How did the railroads contribute to the decline of the Grange?

they were mental

How did the magana carta and the model of the parliament contribute to the decline of feudalism?

By strengthening royal authority at expenses of nobles and shifting power to common people. ------------------------------- This is true for the Magna Carta, but not the same for the Model Parliament introduced by Edward I. The Parliament gave a voice to both common people AND lords. Both of them had voices and it didn't really weaken feudalism, as both sides of the story benefited from this. WIN-WIN situation.

How did political development in England contribute to the decline of feudalism in Europe?

England became the first industrialised country. The ownership of land, which had been the aristoracy's means of controlling the populace became increasingly irrelevent as more money was made in factories.

Why did the mongol empire declined after 14th century?

The Mongol Empire fell into decline IN the 14th century. The reason was a combination of factors: first the gradual weakening of the central position of the Khans which caused many local govenors and warlords to carve out their own dominions and fight their neighbors, then the outbreak in Mongolia of the Black Death that quickly spread over all of the Mongol Empire and then over all of Europe. As in Europe, it killed millions of people and added greatly to the desintegration of Mongol power and of Mongol society. China made use of all these developments to chase the Mongols out and establish the Ming dynasty. By the end of the 14th century nothing remained of the Mongol Empire but a number of small and often competing Hordes that would continue to decline in power and territory.

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