Please define "olden days" because each time had different things. To some people 1950 is the "olden days".
olden days irons were built using stone or antique metal
In the olden days, the form of trade that existed in South Africa was barter trade. This means that instead of using money, people would exchange goods for other goods or services.
An astrolabe was used for finding the time during the day or night, finding the time of a celestial (which is a fancy word for heavenly) event such as a sunrise or sunset, and as a handy reference of celestial positions. Astrolabes were also one of the basic education tools!
People used smoke signals, drums and some people had messengers. Yes people did communicate by drawing on rocks which are called rock paintings.
Please define "olden days" because each time had different things. To some people 1950 is the "olden days".
i dont know actually
in olden days they would use the sheep's skin for cloths in tribes but know days they use it for food and silk
yes they did have needles in the olden days
what were shops like in the olden days
In olden days, they allowed people to tell the time.
they used sun dials
red clouds.....?
Which "olden days?" That could mean any time period from the mid-late 20th century back to Neolithic times.
i don't know find out yourself or ask dane
Why was an oasis surrounded by a wall in the olden days