monoons happen because highand low weather clashes into together to make a monsoon monoons happen because highand low weather clashes into together to make a monsoon
Monsoons bring much needed rain that farmers require for their crops in a hot climate. When monsoon come either too early or late in a season, this can affect the agriculture of India. Although providing water is a benefit of monsoons, they also can be detrimental when severe monsoons do massive damage to land and cause death.
I'm not quite sure about your question. I do know that the Monsoons are the seasonal winds that blow in almost opposite directions that bring rain to India in summer and winter.
Millions will be born n millions will die but nothing will ever happen to this world
which renaissance?
Monsoons don't occur in AZ. It is located in a desert and a monsoons happen in tropical areas.
the winter monsoons blow dry air from the northeast for wet monsoons they pick up moisture from the ocean
Because of the monsoons and lack of money....................
Probably India. They get monsoons actually kinda regularly.
Monsoons happen between the months of June and october in most places acrossed the globe. for mor information on monsoon season please visit or your local new stations.
Monsoons typically occur once a year in regions with a monsoon climate. These regions experience a distinct shift in wind patterns that bring heavy rainfall during a specific season.
Monsoons can cause flooding.
monsoons are created by the reversal of winds
summer monsoons.
Burst of monsoons: the phenomena when the normal rainfall increases suddenly and continues constantly for several days are known as burst of the monsoons. Break in monsoons: Monsoons are interspersed with rainless intervals which are related to the movement of the monsoon trough. These wet and dry spells in the monsoons are known as break in monsoons.
From October to May, the winter monsoons blow dry air from the northeast.The summer monsoons come in the middle of June.It picks up moisture from the ocean.People rely on the summer monsoons for rain.winter is cold climate and summer is hot